Unable to open my son’s profile in Scoutbook under My Account/My Family. Receive “We encountered an error whilte trying to process your request”. This happens both on desktop and thru the mobile app.
I am having the same issue : Unable to open my son’s profile in Scoutbook.
I am a Den leader and having the same issue with all of my scouts.
Hello !!
I’m an Advancement Chair entering in items before our fall court of honor. I’m unable to enter any advancement updates for any Scout. I am also unable to run any reports.
I am seeing that error on AWSWEBSBPD1A
The developers are aware of the issue and investigating.
@edavignon, I just logged in and now can open a scout’s account (no longer seeing an error) but I see graphics issues (example in screenshot) and advancement takes me to Scoutbook Plus. However, Scoutbook plus is missing some data from previous entries. This seems to be for multiple scouts.
Legacy Scoutbook has not been and will not be updated for the new Cub Scout program. Use Scoutbook Plus (https://advancements.scouting.org)
So possibly this issue stems from users trying to use Scoutbook instead of Scoutbook plus. Can we disable scoutbook and move old entries over?
Legacy Scoutbook is still used for messaging, Cub Scout awards (the few that remain), Troop, Crew and Ship support. I have not heard what the issue was but I doubt it was because of Cub Scout families and leaders using Scoutbook. The issue earlier today affected more than Cubs.
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