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We had a new scout join our pack. I approved his application and he came into scoutbook today. Scoutbook will not let me connect to him. Should this not be automatic as I am the committee Chair?
Nothing I have tried will allow me to connect. any help. This is the alert I get
RIght but i guess my question is, every time i get a new scout do i need to do this same procedure or is there some reason we did not connect this time?
Sometimes connections between admins and new Scouts that are brought in by Member Update are not made until several hours after they are placed into the unit because Scouts are moved into the unit by one process and connections made by another. The situation may have resolved itself. We are working with the BSA to get them to improve the process to eliminate the time gap.
Sometimes there are multiple steps in the process. They may come in initially without connections. Then, a later job adds them. I’m not sure if that’s the case here. As Ed indicated, we try to pinpoint the issues and work with the developers to clean them up. We appreciate the feedback. Keep it coming if the issues persist.