OA Eligibility Report Missing Joined Date

I reviewed this report for my Troop yesterday and noticed several of our Scouts don’t have a “date joined Scouts BSA” date populated. This report looks to be genereated from IA linked from Scoutbook. When I go back to Scoutbook and check the membership recotrds of these scouts, they do have start dates populated.

Is this date supposed to auto load over from Scoutbook? Are there other issues with these dates or other info that we just haven’t noticed yet?

Couple examples:
BSA member number: 131953188
BSA member number: 133425701
BSA member number: 130750151

Also, ALL of our Scouts that are OA members have the “date joined Scouts BSA” field blank? Is this an issue?


@JonathanKing1 no that is a manual date added

As Donovan pointed out, you need to manually enter it. You can enter it in the Edit Profile page for the Scout in Scoutbook.

OK. Thanks. I wasn’t sure where to enter this. I will try to update these.

Thank you both.

Are you sure? We had 2 new Scouts and both were filled in. Maybe because they applied online?

This would be a good @GaryFeutz Add In roster check, no?

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