I’ve got 2 troops I have access to run reports for, a girl’s troop and a boy’s troop. In the girl’s troop, if I click on reports, I have the option to run the OA Eligibility report. In the boy’s troop, I don’t even show that as an option.
How do we fix that? Is it a permission issue I need to get the Scoutmaster to correct, or is it something with the site? I’ve looked it up in the forums, and I haven’t been able to find anything. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thanks so much!!!
It looks to me as if you should be able to run both. There are a few things that can be tried to fix the issue with the boy’s troop.
You are listed as Unit Advancement Chair in Scoutbook for both troops but in my.scouting.org only for the girl’s troop. Ask a Key 3 for the boy’s troop to make you the Unit Advancement Chair on for the boy’s troop using the Position Manager tab of the roster in my.scouting.org. 24 hours later your UAC role will be pushed from my.scouting.org to Scoutbook and this may fix the access issue.
You could also try resetting your admin role in the boy’s troop. From the boy’s troop roster, click on your name then your positions. Open the Troop Admin role then click update without making any changes. Note this will NOT work from My Account → My Positions. This will take 24 hours to work in IA