I have many times over the past couple of years easily accessed and printed an OA eligibility report simply by clicking it under reports. I just went in to do just that and it is no longer listed as an option. Did it move to another pull down? What am I missing?
@LisaBroz - I just checked and in clicking on the troop from my Dashboard then Reports and there it is under Scouts BSA Recognition Report.
Hi, @LisaBroz,
Occasionally, I’ve had trouble accessing a report that included the whole troop when I had a defective connection to one or more of the scouts. Try going to My Dashboard → My Units → Troop Roster, then clicking on your position. Go to the unit admin (or Scoumaster or whatever) position, click on it and accept/approve the position again. That should refresh the connections to the scouts in your unit in case that’s the problem.
Ah thank you both I was clicking reports before pulling up the troop roster. All good now! If only everything in life was this easy!
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