October 6, 2021 Scoutbook Updates

Bug Fixes

  • Lion Badge
    • The Lion Badge rendering on the Add Den pop-up has been fixed. The word Lion has been moved to the right so it is not obscured by the rank badge.
  • Reports - Merit Badge in Progress Report
    • Corrected an issue with the Environmental Scince Merit Badge not properly recognizing all requirements of a sub-set as complete.

New Features

  • Non-Registered Scouts
    • Scouts that have been on the unit roster in Scoutbook for more than 90 days but are not registered in the unit have been removed from the Scoutbook roster and will not be able to be added back until registered.
  • PayPal Fees
    • Scoutbook now provides the unit with the option to charge PayPal fees to the Youth/Adult. To enable charging PayPal fees to the Youth/Adult, go to the Edit Troop page and select the desired PayPal Fees Payment Option. PayPal fees will be automatically added to the Youth/Adult’s payment log when they pay via PayPal.
  • Reports - Roster Builder Designer
    • Added new grouping for adult information when selecting options to include on roster reports.
    • Included new categories for adult leaders on roster reports: gender and general DOB (18 or less, 18-20, or 21 or more).