I am a Cubmaster and have a family trying to register twin Lion scouts. It let Dad register one but would not allow him to register the second scout. Any thoughts or where we missed an option?
What happens when it stops him? Does he get an error message?
No option to go back or add another. I’ve never seen what it should look like for multiple registrations in same family.
I’m not sure what the process is supposed to be. But it’d seem you could submit and pay for that one. Then, go back and enter the other one. You don’t need to log out or create a new account for yourself though.
By go back, I mean start at the beginning, not necessarily clicking the “go back” link.
Update: Got dad to login into my.scouting.org not through beascout.org. Once he was in, he logged out, and then when back through beascout.org to the apply now link for our unit and could start a new application.
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