Orphaned roles

I have a den in my pack that scoutbook won’t let me assign a den leader to. It says the den already has a leader. I suspect the problem may be that the den does have a leader but that leader is no longer linked to our pack so I can’t see him/her.

Can you provide any more information? What is the den type (Wolf, Webelos, etc.) and den number?

That’s not an error I’ve ever seen before. Could you provide a screenshot so we can see the exact wording?

Also, please provide the bsa member number of the two leaders you referenced above (no names).

See uploaded screenshot. UnidID = 67670, DenID = 253258

That’s weird. It looks like the error message is saying that the individual is already listed as DL for that den. What do you see when you look at the den/pack roster for that leader?

@PaulCunningham1 your in Pacific Skyline? I think that user has an OPEN Lions Den Leader from Sam Houston in Scoutbook

His profile lists Michigan crossroads too. Have they moved a lot?

Which den are you trying to add him to? I see multiple DL positions in your pack. I’d suggest going to his name from the pack roster page, and clicking his positions to review which are correct and add using the add position button there.

Yes, Tony Phillips recently moved to our area (Pacific Skyline) from Houston. He has a parallel problem that his previous Pack can’t seem to remove him as leader from his old Den. I have been able to make him a Den Admin for our Tiger Den but not a Den Leader, see this image:

(Image removed)

I ended the position in his previous pack. Log out and back in. Then, go to his name on the pack roster page.

From your pack page, you don’t happen to have any identically names dens, do you?

It’s definitely still not right. Here is the list of all leaders and their roles:

Here is a list of Dens in our Pack:

If I try to add a den leader position to Anthony Phillips then I see this:

It makes no sense: both Tiger dens have no leader but they can’t be selected. Conversely, the Wolf and Bear dens do have a leader assigned but they are available to be selected.

@PaulCunningham1 select TIGER DEN LEADER - not den leader

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Yay! That works. I see now: Tiger and Webelos have special Den Leader roles…just curious, is there a reason for this?

that is what they are called by BSA

Got it, thanks for the help Donovan.

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