I’m reviewing my Den Leaders and some stuff doesn’t make sense, but I’m not sure what steps I need to take to rectify. My Den Leaders in Scoutbook Plus all look right, they all say Leader but have varying Positions. In My.Scouting they all say Den Leader, except my newest that says Lion Guide. For editing the permissions, it looks like it happens in Scoutbook, not Scoutbook Plus.
When I view the SB Roster, it looks like this:
Leader 1: Den Admin Lion Den 1, Lion Den Leader, Den Leader Lion Den 1 (My.Scouting role: Lion Guide)
Leader 2: Tiger Adult Partner Wolf Den 2, Den Leader
Leader 3: Den Admin Bear Den 5, Den Leader, Den Leader Bear Den 5
Leader 4: Den Admin Webelos Den 3, Den Admin, Den Leader Webelos Den 3, Den Leader
Leader 5: Den Admin Webelos Den 3, Den Admin, Asst. Den Leader, Asst. Den Leader Webelos Den 3
Leader 6: Den Admin AOL Den 4, Den Leader, Webelos Den Leader AOL Den 4
I kind of get that there is a Den Leader and a Den Admin that could be two different people, but if there aren’t two, then the Den Leader holds both positions. But why are there so many Den Leader positions listed? When I go in to try to clean them up, it’s not obvious which ones I should delete.
Leader 1: why is he Lion Guide in my.scouting and not Den Leader?
Leader 2: this den has no Den Admin position assigned. This is the wolf den leader but the position doesn’t say that and the title says Tiger Adult Partner Wolf Den.
And it has these checkboxes that other positions don’t show.
But why only 4 den options?
Similar situation for Leader 3 (same options). Leaders 4 and 5 look similar, except there’s also doubled up Admin positions now (no checkboxes) and in the Den Leader checkboxes there is no Webelos option. And Leader 6 has the same issue with the title as Leader 2.
Sorry for the super-long post. This is very confusing and I have not found much that can answer it in the SB help documentation.