SB Den Leader Roles, Confusion

I’m reviewing my Den Leaders and some stuff doesn’t make sense, but I’m not sure what steps I need to take to rectify. My Den Leaders in Scoutbook Plus all look right, they all say Leader but have varying Positions. In My.Scouting they all say Den Leader, except my newest that says Lion Guide. For editing the permissions, it looks like it happens in Scoutbook, not Scoutbook Plus.

When I view the SB Roster, it looks like this:
Leader 1: Den Admin Lion Den 1, Lion Den Leader, Den Leader Lion Den 1 (My.Scouting role: Lion Guide)
Leader 2: Tiger Adult Partner Wolf Den 2, Den Leader
Leader 3: Den Admin Bear Den 5, Den Leader, Den Leader Bear Den 5
Leader 4: Den Admin Webelos Den 3, Den Admin, Den Leader Webelos Den 3, Den Leader
Leader 5: Den Admin Webelos Den 3, Den Admin, Asst. Den Leader, Asst. Den Leader Webelos Den 3
Leader 6: Den Admin AOL Den 4, Den Leader, Webelos Den Leader AOL Den 4

I kind of get that there is a Den Leader and a Den Admin that could be two different people, but if there aren’t two, then the Den Leader holds both positions. But why are there so many Den Leader positions listed? When I go in to try to clean them up, it’s not obvious which ones I should delete.

Leader 1: why is he Lion Guide in my.scouting and not Den Leader?
image image image

Leader 2: this den has no Den Admin position assigned. This is the wolf den leader but the position doesn’t say that and the title says Tiger Adult Partner Wolf Den.
And it has these checkboxes that other positions don’t show.
But why only 4 den options?

Similar situation for Leader 3 (same options). Leaders 4 and 5 look similar, except there’s also doubled up Admin positions now (no checkboxes) and in the Den Leader checkboxes there is no Webelos option. And Leader 6 has the same issue with the title as Leader 2.

Sorry for the super-long post. This is very confusing and I have not found much that can answer it in the SB help documentation.

For what it’s worth, as far as I know, den leaders are not missing any permissions and can do everything they need to, but I just feel like it’s kind of a mess.

@BenMason - their real registered positions are reflected in if they are an adult partner then they are not a registered leader and most likely have a caution symbol next to their name on the scoutbook roster. If they are to he den leaders they they have to fill out an adult application, complete ypt and other mandatory filings and training.

All of these leaders are registered leaders. Their roles are appropriately reflected in my.scouting as Den Leaders with the exception of the Lion Guide. I believe this is mostly a question about SB positions.

@BenMason - those multiple positions are showing as current when you look at their positions list in scoutbook? It does seem a bit confusing.

Yes, those are all current positions.


I’d probably end the DL position that doesn’t have a den on it.

Note that the Den Leader position applies to Lion, Wolf, and Bear dens. The position for Tiger and Webelos dens are Tiger Den Leader and Webelos Den Leader respectively.


And Aol Den Leader can only be granted in Edit Den of Scoutbook +

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Why does “Den Leader” not apply to all dens? And why is Tiger Den Leader special but Lion is the normal Den Leader position?

And shouldn’t these positions advance when the den advances? Or will these all need to be edited every year?

There’s history to the different position names. Essentially, as each den level was added to cubs over time, BSA added an associated den leadership role. WL and TL were always distinct from DL. Lions started out with a “Lion Guide” that got converted to a DL when the program became a rank level.

Not every unit moves the scouter with the scouts, although many do. Also, since they are different registered positions, at least for now, you can’t just change registrations without approval of the Chartering Org Rep (and changing the actual registration with BSA).

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So I’m not going to be able to assign the Webelos Leader position without approval of COR?

When I advanced the dens, the leaders stayed assigned as the leaders for those dens. I don’t understand how they can promote with the den, but their positions can’t? Is that maybe why a lot of them just say Den Leader with no den specifically noted?

I’m a new CM and maybe my CC/COR have done some things differently.

Your CC/COR, or Unit Commissioner and other district staff/volunteers can provide a lot of information for new leaders than may help address some of these questions. Moving a den around in Scoutbook/SB+ doesn’t change registrations, either for scouts or scouters. Those are handled in different systems altogether. SB/SB+ handle advancement, and require scouts to be assigned to the appropriate dens for advancement purposes (i.e. to serve the appropriate requirements in the software).
Registrations are handled through your council in the official membership database, possibly using online registration/applications where permitted. Although you may be able to tag a registered scouter as Webelos Dens Leader in Scoutbook – I don’t know if that still holds sway in SB+, or will in the future as SB is replaced entirely by SB+ – it does not change their registration.

As I noted, there are historical reasons for the different registered position names. The different position names predate the software.

Scouters with a given den should be registered in the appropriate positions. Registering scouters and changing their registered positions requires approval of your COR. If your unit and council permit online registrations, your COR may be able to reassign the registered positions at my.scouting. Be aware some positions have different training requirements to be fully position trained, which some councils may require. This is another reason to get a lot of these questions addressed at the local level, since they will know any additional requirements locally.

The COR can go into Position Manager under Organization Manager in and change the registered position of your Den Leaders to reflect the correct position.

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Scoutbook positions do not have to match official registered positions.


Does this explain why there are duplicate positions assigned in SB? One set comes from the registered position in my.scouting, and then one is assigned when selecting a scouter as a den leader and den admin?

That is how it happens sometimes. You can end one set if you are an admin.

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That makes a whole lot of sense now, thank you.

There are no repercussions to ending the my.scouting positions in SB, are there?

Make sure you leave at least one position / role open in Scoutbook, or the adult leader will fall off your roster.


Ok, cleaning up all these positions. But Leader 6 looks different. I’ve got Leader 6 assigned in SB+ for the AOL den.

But when I look at the user roles, I can’t make the Den Leader position look like the others where it says “Den 4”.

The others look pretty normal. Ex Leader 2 now

Do I give up on that?

Sorry, I know this is all fairly meaningless and only really done to satisfy my own Type A/OCD. I’m really trying hard not to care about the start/end dates and trying to organize the “Past Pack Positions and Roles” more cleanly.

The “no den mentioned” appears when they are auto added when registered. So, if you have one to end, and they have one with a den, keep the one with a den.