Outdoor Activities Chair Permission to Approve in Internet Advancement

Our hike master across both the boy and girl packs is unable to approve hikes in internet advancement.

They have the following roles in scoutbook:

  • Unit Outdoors / Activities Chair
  • Committee Member
  • Pack Admin

According to Recording Activities in Internet Advancement and Scoutbook - Scoutbook Knowledge Base they should not have the ability to approve hikes. Can this be changed so they can perform their role? Without a change they would have to become a unit leader, key 3, advancement chair or key 3 delegate. These positions are already filled.

Ideally scoutbook role of “Unit Activity Chair” or “Pack Admin” should be allowed to enter or approve internet advancement activities. Even better would be if scoutbook calendar events had type for hikes that would sync with internet advancement. Hopefully coming soon since there is a toggle for “outdoor activity” or “service project”.

Units, districts, councils all depend on these metrics for JTE. It should be much easier to enter and approve this info. I would lean on extra permissions allowing unapproved hike entries instead of restrictive permissions causing a barrier of entry and missed data.


This is in the development backlog. We do not have an estimated release date.

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