Our unit records camping, hiking and service hours in the Activity Logs of Internet Advancement for each scout and adult (where applicable).
As the Scoutmaster (Key 3), I am doing this today and need to delegate to someone else. I have attempted granting access to a registered adult to test this out and am unable to determine what the correct permission setting is that allows another registered adult to help with this.
Options I have attempted include:
- Setting Connections to Edit Advancement
- Setting Connections to Full Control
- Setting Role to Unit Outdoor Activities Chair
- Setting Role to Unit Advancement Chair
- Setting Role to Troop Admin
None of these have worked. Please advise on the correct Connections/Permission settings to allow another registered adult to enter Activity Log entries.
The person I tested this out on is my wife Audrey Lokker SB User ID:10375398, BSA Member ID:13438773)