Pack cannot enter advancement into Scoutbook

We still do not have this working. Multiple members need access.

@jacobfetzer Posted 5 days that it looks like your pack did not recharter and/or youaren’t registered. If it didn’t, that would be a good reason for multiple members to have issues. Have you confirmed that your Pack has a current charter?

Let’s start with your registration. Are you registered? You should be able to tell in my.scouting. In the upper right, by your name, my profile and “registered positions”. What is listed?

@EmilyFlorez You need a Pack Admin to log in at Scoutbook at:

  1. A Pack Admin needs to create the dens.
  2. Then a Pack Admin needs to go to each Den page in Scoutbook and use the “Reassign Scout(s)” button to assign the Cub Scouts to the den.

The Cubmaster and Pack Committee Chair are usually Pack Admins in Scoutbook, and they have the ability to designate additional Pack Admins.

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