Pack Level Calendar Invite Not accessible to Pack Members

I’m a lowly parent in the system. My pack created an event for the entire pack, and not just one of the dens.

I can see the event on the calendar, but cannot click in for a full view of the event details and RSVP.

Error: you do not have access to this API

I’ll note that some pack level meetings, like this one I get full details for:

But dens for which we are not a part of, present the same error

We expect all these activities visible to the entire pack. We have numerous events on our calendar presenting this behavior.

You need to talk to admins - there is nothing we can do - It sounds like your scout or you are not invited to the event - if you are not invited you will not see the details

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Hi Donovan,

I’m reaching out as the pack admins are reporting that this behavior is not per expectation and trying to help them understand the issue.

I’ll come back with more input on how these we created but we need help creating the calendar Invites properly. Hoping you could point out where in the process the referenced invites broke down.


@AllenKummer - it would be best if the Admins would post in the forums rather than work this as third party information