We have a scout parent / committee member who can view troop scout calendar on his phone but would really like to see it on his desktop computer. He has a younger scout in a pack, and he can see the cub calendar but he has no place for him to toggle between the two units.
Why would this be and how can we fix it?
It is possible that the parent might have more than one Scoutbook account.
If you could provide the parent’s BSA member ID number, we can take a look.
(No names, please)
Yes, we were able to see the pack and dens for the other scout. Everything he could check was checked but no troop or patrols for the older scout.
Post the BSA # of the Scouts and we can see - is it the Mother or Father?
I was wondering about that but he can see the one child’s calendar fully but not the other one. Here is his ID. #116392839. Thank you!
Grandfather, and his ID is #116392839. Thank you!
@LesleyMorrey have you seen the user at the desktop? Can you do a screenshare with them? it seems fine at first glance
He brought his laptop into the troop meeting and we sat down and tried to troubleshoot. His right “currently viewing” menu where you toggle between units/scouts is very different between the two scouts. I will ask him to send me a screen shot to better explain.
Well he is Registered in the Pack and Not Registered in the Troop - Registrations make a difference in SB+ - but should not effect calendar
We added him as a parent/guardian, and then made him a troop committee member. We understood that since he was already a scout leader in another unit and a registered member, we could do this. This is a stupid question but what else would we need to do to register him? Have him fill out an application and have our council process it? Our charter isn’t 100% completely renewed for the year - some sort of hold up at our council, so I was also wondering if that had anything to do with it.
@LesleyMorrey It might help to remove him as a troop committee member in Scoutbook for now.
After the troop’s charter is renewed, you can have him apply as a multiple registration online. He can do this at my.Scouting:
After the troop’s charter is renewed, he would click on “My Application”.
Click on the “Transfer / Multiple Applications” tab.
Click on the “Multiple” button.
Then he should be able to take it from there.
After he applies online, the Chartered Org. Rep. (or COR Delegate) would need to approve it.
Folks, the scout grand parent all of a sudden can see the calendar. We are not sure what happened as he didn’t do anything nor did I, and I saw for myself that he could not see both calendars. It’s a holiday miracle! Thank you for your guidance and thoughts on the situation!