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I have a parent with three Scouts in the program, two in our Pack. The parent is somehow not connected to their youngest Scout and when I went to add them as a connection, it could not find them. Also would not give me access to see their ID number. What’s our best way forward? They’re relocating soon and I want to help clean things up before they transfer to their new unit. Let me know what further details are needed. Thank you!
If the parent is in the unit already by a position or another Scout you can use Connection Manager under Roster, then go to the connection and click the Parent Checkbox
Alternately, you can ask your Council to add a connection between the Scout and parent in Registrar Tools. About 24 hours later, the Scout & Parent will be connected. The parent will still need a my.scouting.org ID to access Scoutbook.
Thank you Donovan! Is this via Internet Advancement’s roster? I’m not as familiar with those tools. This parent is not in leadership but is connected to their other Scout in the Pack.
Ok, thanks! I tried it and the parent is now showing as connected in Connections Manager, but not on the individual Scout’s page. Does it take awhile to cycle through? I tried logging off and back on and that didn’t change anything.
I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green dot with a number 1 > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)