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I am having a strange parent / scout connection issue. From her login (using remote session), I could see that she was connected to both her scouts, but only seeing one (not in my troop) on the dashboard. Her connection to the scout in my troop did not show full control.
From the troop’s perspective, she has full control of her scout. I confirmed that the email address and BSA ID matched on her profile. I have screenshots that I won’t share for privacy reasons.
I’m afraid this requires someone with more access than I have to solve.
When you did the screenshare, were you able to confirm that the two Scoutbook “identities” had the same AdultUserID in the URL when you look at them from the Edit Profile page? You can get there on your side by going to the scout’s name in the roster, clicking on the connected parent, and checking out the URL.
From the parent’s side, you can get there by going to their connected Scout’s name under My Dashboard → My Family, then clicking on the parent’s name next to the scout’s name. CLik on Edit Profile under the parent’s name in the screen that comes up. At least I think that will work. It worked when I tried it on my own profile, but I’m a leader/admin so it might behave differently for a parent-only account.