Parent with wrong DOB setting and need to merge BSA IDs

Hi Hi,
I have a parent who has created two BSA IDs and also one BSA ID assigned by FEC.

  1. BSA ID# 140144084 assigned by FEC
  2. BSA ID# 140152962 ; this one is with wrong DOB, but has used this account and did the YPT
  3. BSA ID# 140178537, just a new ID set up.

Kindly change his DOB in account no. 2 above and also merge these BSA IDs, and to sync his YPT to his account no. 1

kitty Tam


We are unable to change DOBs. Please contact your Council.

Hi Ed,

  1. Can you help to merge the bsa ids ?and sync his YPT ?

  2. He created the 2nd bsa Id which is with wrong DOB online, so he doesn’t know which council that account belongs to. Anyway, we will ask our council as well.

I was able to add the additional member IDs and merge two my.scouting usernames. They need to use the one that is commonnamelastname.

thank you very much, Jacob

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