Parents and Scouts not showing up in Scoutbook

I have two parents that don’t show up in Scoutbook. One parent, was a leader and she has two Scouts in the Pack. She is stepping down as Den leader so I ended her term as Den leader in Scoutbook now she and her two Scouts don’t show up in Scoutbook. Another parent has never shown up in Scoutbook - he should be associated with his Scout. (My Council office has been unable to help me with the second issue.)

You can post BSA #s and we can look

Thank you so much. For the 2nd issue, the parent’s BSA# is: 14205022. He should be linked to Scout: 13838212. The Scout’s other parent is already there.

@RobertHoffman ok done

For the first issue, the Scouts “appear” in Scoutbook when I look at the Den, but not when I go to e-mail - I believe - because the Parent is missing. The Scouts in question:

BSA#: 135685436
BSA#: 135685779

I’m trying to locate the mom’s BSA ID (mother’s name is Lisa, same last name as the Scout’s last names).

Thank you very much.

The First issue - I do not think she was ever a parent of them - it is very hard to break a parent connection unless the parent does it them self, see if you can search for her and add her as a parent.

I’ve been with the Pack for 3+ years. I can tell you beyond a reasonable doubt she was. She was also a Den Leader for 2021-2022 for the Den with her two Scouts. Currently trying to look her up.

Ok, found her via e-mail and added her. Thank you for your help.

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