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I wanted to send an email out to the adult volunteers and parents of our troop (my BSA ID 135549993). I am also a leader in our boy trop and cub pack. One parent (my wife actually BSA ID 12934914) doesn’t show up in the parents for the troop. She does show up as “pickable” for the pack roster.
I followed @JenniferOlinger 's suggestion (in the order) for both Scout 1 & 2. She was still checked, but I hit update. Still not showing on the report.
Ok, I tried that and I rechecked. She had leadership checkboxes for the troop when clicking on the 2 Scouts, but she wasn’t listed under adult leaders for the troop. I cleared the checkboxes and clicked update. I then logged out. I had her login and logout. I logged in, she still isn’t listed as a parent in the troop report.