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I am the Unit Committee Chair for Pack 253. When I log in to Advancements.scouting.org, I am able to see the full scout roster but I am unable to click on any scout - including my own son - to see their information. I am receiving the error “We’ve encountered a problem with this feature. Our development team has been notified of this error.” (I thought this was a temporary error but it has persisted for over a week now.)
I also have the advancements.scouting.org role of “Advancement Chair” for Troop 152. When I switch to this role (in the upper right hand corner drop down), I can see the full unit roster. But again, I am unable to click on a Scout to view or edit their advancements. This also seems to be affecting my ability to record camping or activities for Troop scouts as well.
My permissions in Scoutbook have also had issues. (I can’t delete a mysterious Den that appeared. I can’t take attendance at meetings, etc.) All of these issues seemed to start when I logged into the advancementspp.scouting.org recharter test site. I’m not sure if these events/issues are related but thought I’d mention it.
Are you able to reset my roles/permissions within my.scouting.org? I’m anxious to have this resolved before our recharter period begins on 10/15.
I would try clearing your browser cache and cookies or using an incognito window to see if that helps.
Internet Advancement primarily uses positions and roles from my.scouting. For the troop, I would recommend that one of the troop’s Key 3 go to my.scouting and add you as a Key 3 Delegate or Unit Advancement Chair (you do not need both function roles).
Organization Manager → Position Manager → Functional Roles
Please be aware that there is an overnight process that needs to run, so any changes in functional roles will not be available until the following day. Also please be aware that functional roles expire at the end of each charter year and need to be redesignated after a unit’s recharter has been processed by the local council.
Thank you for this tip. I was able to get my.scouting.org working properly when using he Incognito Mode within Chrome. So my new plan is just use that EVERY time I work in advancements.scouting.org.
I am all set with my Troop delegate status so I am ready to process recharter now that I can again see the scout profiles.
My Scoutbook.scouting.org access issues persist but I will work on troubleshooting those issues separately. Thanks again! I appreciate the private browser tip.
In Scoutbook, your troop Advancement Chair and Secretary roles are not approved. If you get a Troop Admin to approve them, then that should fix things.