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I am new to a Troop leadership position and have been assigned admin privileges for my Troop in Scoutbook. I am able to edit calendar events in Scoutbook (old interface). When I go to the new Internet Advancement site, I am unable to edit events through the new interface. I do not have a “View” associated with the Troop (only the Parent/Guardian view). Should permissions from Scoutbook automatically populate the permissions in Internet Advancement?
4/29/2024: Update - I found that if I cleared my cache/cookies, the proper view for Troop permissions showed up.
Do the IA permissions come from the unit position (as opposed to the Scoutbook permission settings for the user)? If so, I can ask that the Troop change my position in my.scouting.org to see if that fixes the issue.
@AndrewKelley - the committee member is a different registration code and requires training for the position. Mind you this was just the opinion of this committee chair.
I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green envelope > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)