Can not approve badges or rank advancement. Just started doing this last week. Also still can’t record any activiety. I need to be able to do these things. I’ve been doing it from when we went to Scoutbook.
Can not approve badges or rank advancement. Just started doing this last week. Also still can’t record any activiety. I need to be able to do these things. I’ve been doing it from when we went to Scoutbook.
The SUAC folks will need more details to investigate and help effectively.
There’s a known issue with a recently pushed API that is causing problems in Internet Advancement ( for access. SUAC has said that the developers are working on that with highest priority. The best way to keep track of when that issue gets fixed is to subscribe to the change logs for Scoutbook (Scoutbook Change Log - Scouting Forums) and IA (Internet Advancement and Recharter Change Log - Scouting Forums). When you subscribe, it sends an email whenever a change is released. It’s great for staying on top of both added features and bug fixes.
If the issue you’re seeing is in Scoutbook (, rather than IA, can you please provide your BSA ID number so that SUAC folks can take a look to see if there are any issues they can identify? Also, what are your registered positions (i.e. the ones displayed when you log into Does your registration show as current at my.scouting?
There is no more information. Just get the error message IA and Scoutbook.
I am current
My BSA Member ID is 5261091
Am a troop Admin
This is the error:
It looks like you don’t have the right Scouting role to access Internet Advancement.Only Youth, Parents, Key 3, Key 3 delegate & Unit Advancement Chair roles have access to Internet Advancement.
I have had access from the beginning of Scoutbook.
There is a known issue with Internet Advancement affecting troop leaders. The developers are working on a fix. Watch the change logs for a release announcement.
Is there any time frame when this will be corrected?
We’ve been told this is fixed. Can you try a hard refresh?
I did a hard refresh but I’m still getting the message.
But on the other hand now I can input data.
Don’t figure
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