Personal Scouting Unit Advancement Details Report

Trying to verify all training for adult has been recorded. Found the legacy tool has been replaced with " Personal Scouting Unit Advancement Details Report" Supposedly it’s located under the roster but there is nothing there.

Are you at the unit level? Have you tried the Training Manager in the left side menu under the unit number? It allows you to see both all of the positions for which a registered scouter is trained and/or all of the courses the scouter has taken.

@CoryFriend Is this for an adult who is already on your adult leader roster for one of your units? If so, I would recommend using the Training Manager, as Charley suggested.

You can also get training information in the Roster, by selecting the individual, then Print → “Unit Advancement Details Report”. However, this report has a lot more information to is unrelated to training, and not The Training Manager can also be used to sort / filter training in different ways.

The training manager has never been helpful since it just lists numbers and not descriptions. I’m looking for YPT expiration dates and lists of training done by name not course number.

The legacy tool was perfect for that, but now it’s gone.

The Training Manager’s YPT Report works well if you are looking for YPT expiration dates. You can click on the “Report” button and then sort based on the “Y01 Completed” or “Y01 Expires” columns, depending on what you’re looking for.

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@CoryFriend - I just used the Quick Search and looked up my info and got this:

Alternate route is to add/search option on the left hand side, select the search in the right hand window, set the filer for adults, select the ones you want click on view training, then there select member training report. I use this very often.

there also additional filters available on the resulting report.


Thanks I found the info I was looking for.

Not able to find Personal Scouting Unit Advancement Details Report they talked about on my.scouting and the Position Requirements Report on the page comes up blank.

The name of the report is: “Unit Advancement Details Report”. It is a personal Scouting report for individuals, but those words are not part of the report’s name.

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