Is there a phone number for customer support?
I had 9 new cubs added last week to my roster, I was able to add comments to their payment info, edit their profiles to include school and grade and if they ordered Boys Life, I assigned them to dens and now they show up on screen in gray, dont show up in the den rosters and I cannot log their community service time, hikes and advancements earned.
I need to fix this today before driving an hour to the scout shop to get awards for the pack meeting.
There is no telephone support for Scoutbook.
Go to My Dashboard → Pack → Pack Roster. Click on your name. Click on Pack Admin. Click Update without changing anything. This should reset your connection to all the Scouts.
I had the same issue happen to me the past few days. Had a bunch of new scouts show up in the system over the weekend, I assigned them to dens, and then a day later I noticed I was no longer connected to them so. None of the other Den/Pack Admins lost their connection, so there must be some bug where whomever assigns scouts to Dens looses their connection.
But Ed’s solution is what I did to fix the problem.
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