Please merge two parent accounts

J.A. BSA #13119824
J.A. BSA #13494020


I have another one.

M.B. should be the correct one BSA #133486801
M.B. BSA #110222967

I have another one.

T.M. BSA #13181258
T.M. BSA#133486875


Last one. It appears a parent has two accounts, one as an adult and one as a child because I see a date of birth of 2009.

BSA #12864488
DoB 2009

BSA #13625171


@LauraCincotta we will look at these

@LauraCincotta these are fixed but you need to wait on the last one to 4pm CST to get positions back or you can add them back

For Palmer, now the scout is appearing as a guardian under himself.

@LauraCincotta what BSA #?

@LauraCincotta this is fixed

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Thank you!!!

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