Hello all,
Are there any known issues with my.scouting.org? All of my registered positions have been removed?
Hello all,
Are there any known issues with my.scouting.org? All of my registered positions have been removed?
You either have multiple BSA #s or you registrations expired - your council registrar is the first place to call I think
@RyanBurke1 did you figure it out?
Looks like my den leader position is no longer there either (since Dec). I only have one bsa number and have been in the position since Sep, so hopefully not expired.
I can recall this happening during the recharter posting period. But certainly a call to your registrar would be in order.
The same thing happened to me with my position disappearing. I emailed our registrar and she said it was part of rechartering and should show back up by the end of the month.
The same thing has happened to me. I do have 2 IDs. I checked both and neither shows a position. I am relieved to here others have this issue as well. I learned about it when I went to show someone at my son’s troop how Scoutbook allows a an event to be set up and email invites. That demonstration got cut short. The worst part was everyone on his troop had no issues logging in.