Problem adding leadership role

Had a unit contact me today with two issues

"I am having trouble updating leadership positions in Scoutbook and was hoping you could help.
I want to assign MID 132624697 the role of assistant patrol leader to the Falcon patrol but the system won’t allow it. I get the following message even though I selected the position and patrol:

For MID 129617542, I want to assign him Senior Patrol Leader, but get the following message:’

Got on the line with him and verified he is entering everything properly.

Any thoughts



Both of these Scouts were dual registered in a Crew in 2022 where the recharter has not been posted. There is an issue with creating leadership positions for dual registered Scouts that the developers are working on. I suspect you will be able to add these leadership positions either.

  1. When the bug is fixed.
  2. When the recharters for the crews are posted or the 60 day grace period ends.

Thank you Ed

I will pass that along

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