Problems adding Scout email to Scoutbook

I’ve been trying to send an invite to my child so he can use his email to log in. When I try to “Edit Extended Information” it is blank. It tells me to edit the profile, but that doesn’t help. The problem may be that Scoutbook tells me that there are two users with my same email? For reference, my SB ID is 10634330. BSA Member ID: 14630029 Previous BSA Member ID: 136914094

I don’t know if the previous ID is causing the error? We did move from a different state.

If needed, here’s more info:

Child: SB User ID:

BSA Member ID:

Previous BSA Member ID:

@LisaKroger it is already setup to “Sign in with Google” and what I would guess is your gmail - but on the SB account it is the Scouts email. So you could log into with with Google, then change to BSA Credentials to make a user name.

Okay. I did that. It is set to BSA Credentials. It still won’t let me send an invite to my scout with his email.

I think I see a problem. It looks like on, there is my account and then one for my scout (looks like an adult account). They both use my email?

@LisaKroger I think this is fixed.

Please log all the way out of the Scout’s account, and then log back in again.

THANK YOU! It is fixed now.

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