I have an alert when I use gmail.to log in that there is another account with my email. How do I clear this issue?
@DrewCarroll1 that is fixed
I am having the same issue. The other issue is that I have two children in the same pack with the same email but they are not connected, how can I connect them?
These are their ID numbers:
SB User ID 13021183
BSA Member ID 140121320
SB User ID 11943020
BSA Member ID 137339924
@MattHarmon that is fixed - I recommend that you contact your local council and ask them to use the Registrar Tools to look up your children. When they look up your children, they want to check your children’s “User Relationship” and make sure that your children are connected to you as parent with Only your correct BSA member ID number - 140121319
I also have this issue. I am not sure of the “other” account. I dont think I started a second registration, but maybe I did.
SB User ID:
You have another Scoutbook account that is attached to your youth BSA Member ID. I’ll merge these for you and the message will go away.
Your accounts have been merged. The nickname field did not merge so if you want Scoutbook to display Nick you will need to log in, go to Edit Profile and set the Preferred Name field again.
Thank you, I didn’t even realize.
I’ve got a Scout who gets an error message stating another account is user his email address.
Member ID - 135197033
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