Protect Yourself Rules (Tiger)

Because of some Den Leader Experience mistakes (My End) I accidentally had all my scouts get the adventure pre-added with requirements via the program (We will be doing this requirement soon but haven’t done it yet) . Any suggestions?

You will need to go into each Scout’s PYR adventure in Scoutbook (not DLE) and manually clear the completion dates.

Hmm, When I attempt to do this it gives me a message that I need to clear the date first. Which Is what I am doing when I get the message?

I don’t believe there is any way to undo requirements marked complete via DLE.

Oh, no! I didn’t like DLE before that, but that is even worse!


Well that’s annoying :frowning:

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Problems like this is why we recommend DLE not be used.

I have asked the developers how you can correct the Scout’s records.


Much appreciated, I’m really frustrated as DLE looked really good. But once I started using it I realize how many issues it causes and I can’t go back in time.

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The developers are saying to unmark attendance. Have you tried that?


I just tried it and had no changes. Unsure if it takes a while to sync I will check later tonight.

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Did the change on attendance status stick?

The DLE aspect of it did yes. They are showing they did not attend even later in the day. However, nothing changed on the Scoutbook end.

You may be able to remove the adventure and/or requirements by clicking on the completion date(s) in Scoutbook and deleting the date.

That has been tried and I get an error message that I have to remove the date first. Which is interesting as that is what causes the error :thinking:

Did you try it after removing attendance?

Clear the attendance in DLE then go to Scoutbook , if PYR is overall complete, click on the completion date and clear it then you can clear the completion date on the requirements.