Re-issuing invitations to parents

I am involved in 3 related Cub Scout and Scouts BSA units. We have recently been able to bring our advancement records up to date and would like to resend invitations to all parents to reconnect to Scoutbook.

The last time invitations were sent out (not by me, the committee chair who did this has left) was about two years ago and most parents have no idea what there user name is or whether they had one. I have tried to follow various instructions for doing this (which talk about a global search option or a search option that to the best of my computer skills (and several hours of effort and trying different things) does not seem to exist. I have no children of my own in Scouting but do have connections in Scoutbook to all scouts and parents. The only re-invite option I see is for our girl unit for those who did not respond to initial invitations. I look for edit icons and find none that allow any of this to happen

Very Frustrated. Professionals don’t seem to be able to help, Volunteers also. Time wasted looking and looking. Time better spent on keeping Scouting alive, but don’t want to waste effort to update everything.
. .

Gerald, sending invites to parents that have been invited before is a manual process.

Invitations to log in expire; I have heard the time limit is 30 days, but may be one month.

Use the roster view to see parents that are attached to your scouts. MyDashboard > Administration > Choose Unit > Unit Roster; if needed, change settings (gear icon) to show parents and sort by last name.

The display will now show your scouts and their attached parents/guardians. The parents will display when they last logged in or when they were last invited if they have never logged in.

For each parent that shows last invited, click the parent name. The new page allows you to resend the invitation.

My recommendation is arrange an appointment with the parent to do the log in. Be on the phone with them when you resend the invitation, and walk them through the process. Tedious, but you will make progress in getting parents logged in, not just frustrated that they never deal with their invites.

As a side note, to check that parent connections are working, use the roster display for sending messages to confirm that each parent is connected to their scout(s) once (My Dashoard > Messages > Send Message). If the connection is missing, reset the parent by resaving their connection (access like resending invitation). If there are extra connections, then deal with double connections or duplicate accounts.

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