Recently added "grade" & a problem

It appears that since yesterday “grade” level was added to While I can see that this is necessary especially at the Cub level, it has expanded the width of the columns so that they fall outside the viewing window. I can’t look at a member’s name AND their expiration date at the same time without having to scroll down, use the bottom slider, and then scroll back up to the name, at which point, the date has disappeared off to the right. With so many scouts and adults in our troop, this is really frustrating. Can this window be widened so all info from left to right can be viewed?

Thank you!


@BobbiMcLure what are you viewing this on - it is horizontally scroll-able - so no issue for me

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My PC on a Chrome web browser. Same issue if I use MS Edge.

go to bottom of page - do you not see a scroll?

Yes, there is a slider at the bottom, but if I slide it so I can see the names, I can no longer see the expiration dates! That’s why it would be so helpful if that window was wider to compensate for the added grade column.

Well that is a convince council to send in a membercare ticket to get it changed - some council probably sent in a request FOR the Grade and Scout Life

Can you please tell me who I need to beg (convince) at council to send in the membercare ticket? Even just a role/position I can search for would be helpful if you don’t know a name. It’s great that they’ve added more info, but it’s also important to be able to see it across the page!

Thanks for your input! I really appreciate all your help!

Person with Power in Council is the Scout Executive - in a given council, who to talk to is hard to say unless you know the council


The person who sends in member care tickets varies from Council to Council.

Does their title vary by council also?

It is all up to the Scout Executive as to who has the ability in any council to submit member care tickets. Some Councils have field assistants that handle this, others it is the registrar(s) while others may be someone else entirely.

A work around for me is to click the window, which enables my arrow keys to move the view left and right.

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