I am the ACC that works & troubleshoots with our Council registrar. Here is my problem
I have a unit that a Special Needs Adult is on the unit’s roster as a “Unit Participant”
The unit is on the last step in completing their Charter. They have a “RED” error message that says:
“Youth do not meet the age/grade requirement for the program”
“Please remove them from the Charter and add as a participant”
Do I have to remove this Special Needs Adult - then add him back ?
Please Advise
@VernonSmith1 what is BSA #?
@VernonSmith1 make sure Registrar has them coded as Special Needs also
Vernon J. Smith | Assistant Council Commissioner - Communications - Re-Chartering - Safe Scouting Champion
Laurel Highlands Council - NST #12
29 Taylor Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15205
P (412) 922-2142 | C (412) 925-9353
@VernonSmith1 lets just type the number please - no names - it sounds like registrar does not have them marked right and I cannot check that
I hope you were hanging around the forum this evening. Will confer with our registrar on
the special needs coding.
Happy New Years !!!
Vernon J. Smith | Assistant Council Commissioner - Communications - Re-Chartering - Safe Scouting Champion
Laurel Highlands Council - NST #12
29 Taylor Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15205
P (412) 922-2142 | C (412) 925-9353
That user has 2 MYST logins also
Got it !
Vernon J. Smith | Assistant Council Commissioner - Communications - Re-Chartering - Safe Scouting Champion
Laurel Highlands Council - NST #12
29 Taylor Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15205
P (412) 922-2142 | C (412) 925-9353
I say that about the 2 logins - it sometimes messes things up when on the same MID
May I ask: what is an MYST login? I have a special needs age-exempt Scout, and get yellow error messages every year.
Hopefully by now they’ve resolved this particular scout’s problem. We have had the same issue in Michigan with several of our RBAE scouts too. Contact your Registrar and they will most likely have to correct the record on their end. For those who get the yellow warning flags - just ignore them and submit.
For those working with Special Needs Scouts and need any advice or help, please go to the web site for the Inclusion Toolbox, which is found at The Inclusion Toolbox – Able Scouts. Which includes a contact page for those who can’t find what they need there. Good luck