Recharter Posted... Now What?

(This is really more of a reply to @Matt.Johnson in this thread but I can’t reply there.)

This is totally a guess, but given that many BSA processes were defined years ago, I believe the term “posted” has a dated meaning.

  • In the modern sense, we think of a blog or social media post being posted when it’s done.
  • However, in the not too distant past, council offices regularly sent mail bags to the national office, and my assumption is that a posted charter was one who’s paperwork was processed by a council and sent to the national office for final processing and issue. That is, posted through the good’ol USPS. But the charter wouldn’t be complete until the certificate came back in the return mail bag.

I’m not sure what happens behind the scenes with our modern technology. But it sounds like there’s still a step that national has to take (even if it’s just perfunctory), which explains the difference between a posted charter and a complete or issued (or whatever they’re called) one.

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