I just checked the status if our troop’s recharter through Scoutbook. It says it has been “Posted” and that the " Recharter is already approved". However when I checked the unit roster in my scouting and in Scoutbook today there were no updates (old roster is showing) and our charter certificate is blank. I did this on November 13, 2021 and our charter expires on December 31, 2021. When should I see the updates in my scouting and Scoutbook?
Thank you. Stay safe and Happy New Year.
@JohnBurnham What council and Troop?
Troop O027 Longhouse Council
@JohnBurnham it is hard to say for a few reasons. You are still under your old charter that is 4/1-12/31 - that is not ended. Second I have not seen a new charter in our tools for a unit yet; before for us we could see a kind of “ghost charter” - it was there but we could tell it was not valid. I do not see that for your unit. I have passed it on to developers.
All charters have a 60 day grace period after they expire so you are still fine - nothing to worry about on that.
Thank you Donovan.
Happy New Year.