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I’m my pack’s new advancement chair, and ranks were not entered into ScoutBook+ last year. Is there a way to update their records to show that they earned the rank they got last year?
From looking around, it seems that the only way to do this is to temporarily move scouts down to a younger den, award the rank, then move them back. Is there any other way to do this? That seems tedious to do four our entire pack.
@PaulFreitas - well the cub scout advancement was not moved over to scoutbook plus until June of this year. Are you talking about items from 2023 ? The only other option is to have council input the ranks earned based on an advancement report.
Here is the Big Picture for you to consider - the only thing that really lives on for Cubs is the AOL as its date is on the Eagle Application. All other items become significantly less visible in the digital world and have no ill-effect on Scouts if not entered into the national system, Families see the ranks on the Blue shirts. If you wish to tackle it I wish you the best, and be very nice to your council registrar as it could be a very large job for them to enter as well.
Moving forward - your use of the Scoutbook Platforms will make it much easier