Removed myself?

Hopefully you can help me, I was moving webelos up to AOL and their Den Leader also. But now it looks like I no longer have access to the Pack. I have access to 2 groups the Cub Pack (pack admin) and The Troop (Troop Admin) . I could have accidently removed myself in the process, I’m not quite sure but can you add me back me?

YIS, Connie
not sure what you need to do this

@ConstanceGonsalves - what was your process in doing this as there are no AOL dens

A different admin ended your admin position - a pack admin can re-establish it

Ok, that’s odd, thanks I will reach out.
Appreciate the help.
YIS, Connie

I just moved the 3 webelos to the AOL Den. Like normal but it looks like Donavon gave me an answer I need to look into first. Thank you for the quick response.

YIS, Connie

@ConstanceGonsalves - i would have just renamed that den

yeah there is no such thing now as an AOL den - it is just a Webelos den