In June I believe I advanced all my Webelos Scouts to AOL. I also believe I added advancements in September. But when trying to add their advancements tonight, it shows that their position is still Webelos members. I tried to change one scout’s membership dates and he was deleted off our Pack’s roster. There was a warning box but I didn’t think I would lose him.
On the scouts’ membership pages it says they were AOL Date Started: June 16, 2024, Date Ended: June 15, 2024
They are now listed as Webelos Members Date Joined Den: June 16, 2024
What was done wrong and how can I fix it? And how do we bring back the other scout?
@JudithJoshua just reassign the existing scout to the correct den by EDIT DEN in Scoutbook +. On the missing Scout post the BSA # of the Scout (no names) and we can take a look
Thanks Donovan for the reply. - The boys are in the correct den, but their membership has them as Webelos members. See below. I don’t know what I am changing when I go to the edit den screen.
The scout that I “lost” is: 136791354
@JudithJoshua yeah try changing the Den to something else for an hour - then change it back to see if it fixes
I created a new AOL den and transferred the scouts and now it works and has them as Arrow of Light members.
Now I just need to get back my lost scout: 136791354
Anything you could do is appreciated.
@JudithJoshua I have requested a position sync. The Scout should be back on your roster within 24 hours.
Thank you! I appreciate the help.
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