Report Builder missing rank requirements

Custom report showing all Scouts BSA Ranks with Rank Status and Requirements checked but the following rank requirements are not shown in the resulting report:

Second Class 12

First Class 2d, 3c, 4a, 7b, 7d, 7e, 9c, 10, 11, 12, 13
All requirements for Star, Life and Eagle


first how are you viewing this? Second I think you are looking at Scouts on old versions of Ranks - I just made this report now and for scouts on current version all of this shows

Here are the report parameters I’m using:

The screenshots I took are of the resulting page when I click “Run”. The pdf export also omits the same requirements.

Please let me know if I’m not using the settings correctly.

you need to look at what versions of the rank the scouts selected are on also

Okay, I have gone through all the Scoutbook rank requirement pages for all the scouts and they all appear to be using the latest version for each rank. Unfortunately when a scout completes all requirements for a rank the radio buttons to select the version disappear so there doesn’t appear to be an easy way to verify which version was used.

I tried recreating the report with the same parameters and added in each scout one by one at looks like the missing requirements are showing up now. The old report is still broken. Not sure what caused that behavior.

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