Report showing Progress towards next rank and incomplete merit badge information

Is there a way to create a report for an individual scout that shows the rank they are currently working towards (and the requirements they have left to work on) and the incomplete merit badges they are working on (and the requirements they have left to work on)?
Additional wrinkle, and have this page be printable in a manner that won’t take more than two pages?

Thank you!

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You’re looking for the Scouts BSA History Report, but you need to have the individual Scout’s BSA ID number to generate it… It’s printable, but is more like 4 pages than two due to poor page break locations. It also includes positions of responsibility, awards, hiking/camping/service log summaries, training, and OA info.

It’s on the your Scoutbook Dashboard screen reports menu, not under “Troop Reports” though…


My report options end at “Needs Awarding Report” on that page. I don’t have either of the options your picture shows below that.

Are you an admin or Key 3? I disabled the Feature Assistant Extension when I did this, but I didn’t restart Chrome; this might be a Feature Assistant report.

I am both an admin and a Key 3 for the Troop I’m working with. I have Feature Assistant running currently.

From the Scout’s page, click Scout’s Reports > Scouts BSA History Report.

For the incomplete MBs, go to the troop page > troop reports > incomplete merit badge report

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