Reporting Service hours from Cub Scout Day Camp

The Scouts BSA that support day camp get credit for service hours (with SM approval) and those hours are recorded at the unit level for advancement and JTE service hours. How are the adult volunteer service hours recorde in JTE?. Our district camp in one week and completely done with volunteers. We have volunteers walkers that are not associated with a unit but a church that supports scouting. The Staff come from units or external volunteers (experts) who are registered at the District/Council level for YPT. The unit volunteer hours should be reported at the unit level but for other volunteers how should they be reported since there is no district level reporting of JTE service hours. Reporting them with the Camp directors unit would result in the units service hours not representing the units contribution. There is not much guidance on the details of recording hours. The standard answer is ask our DE. Our DE is great but she has been with scouting less than 4 months and still learning the basics.