Roster Export - Membership Dates Don't Match

This adult member renewed their membership and was approved a week ago within the my.Scouting roster shows the new date of 10/31/25. However, when you export the roster and view it within my.Scouting or as a CSV, it shows the old date still of 10/31/24. This is true for anyone who has renewed at this time, the dates show 2025 in the main view but any exports still show the old date.

Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 9.36.54 AM

@JeremyGinsberg - ask your council to enter a membercare ticket as that has been noted by others

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The membership will not show the new expiration date until 11/1/24. I see in the DB that the renewal has been completed. This is how the renewal system was designed.

The issue is that one screen reports one date, and the export of that data shows another date. The data being provided is inconsistent.


The inconsistency will need to be reported via your Council.

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@JeremyGinsberg - Hi Jeremy. I noticed that last night too. I think it’s based on the Charter Renewal Date. So when you print the Roster, it prints the Roster for the current Recharter date, which for us is the 10/31/2024 expiration. Very annoying to not get the current information. I’m trying to use the Roster>Reports now to see what’s the best way to communicate everyone’s status.

I also don’t like that some reports show every position the adult was in during the year. So if they started as Committee and moved to ASM, they are listed twice. Anyway…it would be nice to be able to create and save our own reports. AND with linked Troops, to include the whole membership of the Linked Troops - without multiple reports.


The best way I have found to get renewal status is by looking at the Scoutbook Plus roster. You can use the filter by registration status (Current, Renewed, Opt Out, Expired) and include/exclude Scouts or Leaders.

The only issue I have found is that if someone pays via check at the Council office, the status will not be updated. As long as they renew completely online, the status will be correct prior to their current expiration date.

@AndreaWelch—Something is still flawed, as I have newer scouts with a non-October date, and they show their actual renewal in 2025, not the 10/31/2024 date. But yes, this new way of managing membership is creating a lot more confusion and more work for all of us volunteers here to manage memberships.

@edavignon—The challenge overall is that we are asking many volunteers, all of us here included, to manage membership now via offline process because the tools themselves are creating confusion. I just noticed this nugget just now… for reference, I haven’t renewed my membership yet.

@JeremyGinsberg Maybe someone is sponsoring your membership for next year… :wink:

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@edavignon - I appreciate this insight. We don’t use Scoutbook+ much as we’re in another records system. I’ll check this out! Thank you.