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I had two of my registered adult leaders take Safety Afloat Classroom and Safe Swim Defense Classroom last week at summer camp.
While I was able to add to their records the Safe Swim Defense Classroom (SSD) I cannot find Safety Afloat Classroom (SA) anymore in the Training Manager at my.scouting.org.
National IT may be confused about recent training course (and code) changes.
Local council camping staff may not be aware of recent training course (and code) changes.
Council action needed?
I suggest asking your council professional program director (via your district program chair) to submit a JIRA technical report related to training course codes table/database.
Review of unit v.s. council camp training requirements?
I am not sure who needs to (or how to) contact the BSA National Aquatics Subcommittee about this issue. (That might vary by council.)
Course changes
I am seeing
both in-person (“classroom”) in the May 2022 training codes table; and
a course availability change for Safe Swim Defense but not Safety Afloat training.
Safety Afloat training 2022
I have not seen anything about any changes to the “Safety Afloat” training course codes for summer 2022.
On the “safety moment” webpage the Safety Afloat training link is not defined to go to the BSA Learn Center, https://training.scouting.org/. and is linking to the default my Scouting Tools home link (tested 2022/07/26).
eLearning > Expanded Learning “Safe Swim Defense” (Updated March 2022)
Per The Training Times:
In collaboration with the BSA National Aquatics Subcommittee, Scouting U has released an updated version of “Safe Swim Defense” online training that is also mobile compatible. … FAQs … Is Safe Swim Defense training available to take in person? No, Safe Swim Defense is only available online. It is also mobile compatible.
National Camp Standard
PS-201, “Aquatics: General”, Revised January 1, 2020, includes:
Safe Swim Defense and Safety Afloat procedures are used for all
on-site and off-site swimming and boating activities.
BSA National Council. National Camp Standards. Edited by BSA National Camp Accreditation Committee. Vol. 430-056. 2022 Printing, v.2, (with SQ-407, p. 197, revised January 2, 2022) ed. Irving, Tex.: Boy Scouts of America Inc., 2022. Accessed 2022-01-23. https://www.scouting.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/2022-NCAP-Standards-v2-430-056.pdf. PS-201 p. 97
Course Code Status?
Safety Afloat Classroom
? - date not confirmed
Safe Swim Defense
Safety Afloat
Safe Swim Defense Classroom
SSD course retirement (expiration in database) date is based on publication in The Training Time newsletter.
@WilliamsburgScouter I suggest asking your council registrar for help. If the database management information has been changed based on these courses being retired nationally, the local council registrar may not be able to help. But it is worth a try.
Sometime on or around July 18 Safety Afloat classroom was discontinued by ScoutingU
On July 18, two of my leaders were at summer camp taking Safety Afloat Classroom (SA) and Safe Swim Defense Classroom (SSD).
The next morning (July 19) I tried (as troop trainer) to log their training based on the signed cards they received from the aquatics director. SSD was fine, but SA was gone.
I’ve contacted my council registrar (who is AWESOME!!!) and she was told/relayed the message that SA is gone, only online remains, and no one can manually add the old SA code.
Which…is fine I guess my leaders can just hold onto their cards in their wallets for the next two years they are valid OR go take the video/online version.
But this is confusing. As Bill noted above, there was an announcement that SSD could only be done online, but it’s still in the list. However, there wasn’t an announcement (that I know of) for SA, while it’s no longer in the list.
Like others, I completed SA and PCS at camp the week of 7/11, so I’m curious to know what the situation is. If council registrars can still add these, that would at least be a viable path.
Regardless, if an adult took the Classroom training (for either) at a time when it was valid to do so, I don’t understand why a) that training is now retroactively void (as it appears it now is) and b) not able to be recorded in Training Manager (at the unit or council level).
Because my.scouting calculates on on the SCO and the old training code was removed from the my.scouting tables. It has been that way for a couple of years as a requirement from risk management.
Safe Swim Defense and Safety Afloat training programs are available online
at my.scouting.org and may also be offered locally by instructors approved by the
council aquatics committee or other council authority.
Last year I took safety afloat classroom and I got my district training chair to put safety afloat classroom with code SA into my training records.
So it hasn’t been years. It appears to have only been in the last few days.
And I’m still not clear as to whether or not this means that anyone who took safety afloat classroom now has had their training declared retroactively void.
If so, then you’re going to have dozens if not hundreds of people with invalid training who aren’t going to realize that they’ve now got invalid training.