SB Merit Badge Councilor list error

When I try to pull up a list of MB Councilors I select the parameters (badge, distance, etc) and then click search but it errors out.

@ChristopherStewart5 works fine for me - are you doing this from the unit main page?

Yes, I am in the unit that I am the SM for, then MB Councilor list, then input parameters, then search and it come up with this error every time.

@ChristopherStewart5 please try a Private/Incognito Window

Same problem/error occurred

is it instant or does it take like 30 seconds?

and what parameters?

It’s instant after I click search that error pops up

and you are TAC - that might be the issue as it is zip code based - I thought the council had its own search feature for MBCs

@ChristopherStewart5 is something on your end - developers logged into your account and it works fine ??? are you using a VPN maybe?

So it appears to be working now, I had been having the issue for about a week but now is fine. Not sure what changed but I appreciate the help.

By the way TAC does use the search function/tracking in SB also, no other system, but yes the zip codes make it tricky.

Thanks again

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