SCO_800 Hazardous Weather module not working

One of our pack leaders has been attempting to retake the Hazardous Weather module, but it is not working for him. Here’s what he is doing:

"I have logged on and started the module. It goes from the intro into the first of 12 modules and then goes white screen. "

Any suggestions? He was successful in completing his four YPT modules, so the problem is not with all the modules.

some internet browsers don’t load the trainings. I find using chrome (if on window) works best for the trainings.

I like to report that indeed there is something wrong with the SCO_800 Hazardous Weather module. I remember 2-years ago I experienced some issues that I thought was like everyone says just browser compatibility. But since I needed to re-certify, today I logged and started, getting stuck right after the first 1-2 slides. When you try to manually advance by clicking on the “play” of “next/forward” controls; the module returns to the beginning of the presentation. I changed browsers back & forth, re-booted the computer and finally found a work-around by having to re-click “next/forward” every time I completed each of the 10 Topics to Explore, as the module takes you back to the beginning EVERY TIME. As DougWright mentioned (above in the original post); I’ve been also working on several training modules, and there is something definitely broken here. I remembered from back 2 years ago, and it’s happening again. I Am a Training Chair for my District, and noticed a BIG number of adults that are not current in SCO_800… Have a gut-feeling HOUSTON, WE GOT A PROBLEM!


We have the same problem.

Hello I had the same problems I couldn’t finish the weather and hazardous training, it goes off , have tried several times and fails

Have you tried in an incognito window yet?

Also reported this in both safari and chrome. There has been no response as of yet. SCO_800 HAZARDOUS WEATHER TRAINING - bug

Tried this training this morning to see if it would work. It did not. The module for Wind Storms was not marking as complete when done. It just advances to the traditional weather signs module, but never completes. @RonaldBlaisdell Can you please report this to the correct people?

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@TimRodgers need your help.

Tornados, hurricanes and windstorms will not clear after you complete the sections, this has been going on for a few days.

As of 12-21-21, this Module is still not working properly. I’ve tried 3 TIMES on different browsers, Chrome, Firefox twice, and it gets stuck somewhere between Flash FLoods and Tornados. Just a blue blank screen, the only button I see is the arrow to retrieve the index. It surely is a waste of time for thousands of people I’m sure.

To Add: The only thing left to do is to start over from the beginning, go through the whole thing all over again to be stuck in the same place. It does not save your spot. Definitely frustrating, I could have spent time with my children, rather than taking this thing 75% of the way through just to not save or get any kind of credit for.

Edit: After trying a few things, I reloaded the browser, Chrome let me continue where I left off, and the module functed okay afterwards.

We’ve had several Den Leaders have this problem trying to complete this training module. It seems random as to when it works. Many people have to take the module multiple times before it finally works. I have one Den Leader that has not tried it about a dozen times with different browsers and devices and it fails every time. It’s the only thing keeping him from completing the Den Leader training. If BSA wants leaders to use the online training they need to make it work correctly. Volunteers are wasting their time on this. Can we open a bug report somewhere or is this the forum to do so?

Related discussion

Problem still present, only module in the entire den leader program with issue.

What particular problem? Please describe what issue you are seeing when and if you tried in incognito mode.

The thread you are responding to is from February. My daughter took the training for camp staff in June and had no issues.

Gets to traditional weather signs, then center icon just spins, cloud front error report, hit refresh and it restarts back at beginning. Tried a couple times on different iOS browsers.

Which browser are you using? Safari is not recommended.

Please try in a PC or Mac using chrome in incognito mode.

Good morning Matt

So I tried again on chrome with incognito, module continues to freeze, see below:

Sorry about the blue light blocker. Module is still defective.

Hope this helps


@RonaldBlaisdell More reports of Hazardous Weather Training hanging.