A scout on our unit roster has the yellow triangle with exclamation point in it next to his name on scoutbook. I have seen this happen with adults but never a scout. How do I troubleshoot what is wrong with the account when he is a paid youth member of the troop and is correctly registered on our charter? Thank you!
Does the Scout’s BSA Member ID in Scoutbook (on the profile page) match the BSA Member ID on your roster in my.scouitng.org? If they do match, there is a bug in Scoutbook that we need to report. If they do not match we need to investigate as the Scout probably has multiple IDs.
In either case, we need the BSA Member ID (no names).
His bsa ID in scoutbook is 13741583
His bsa ID in my.scouting.org is 13741667
How do I get this fixed?
We should be able to fix this for you. I’m looking into it.
This is fixed. His Scoutbook account had a BSA Member ID (MID) that was deleted by the Council. I have placed his correct MID on his Scoutbook account.
Wow! Thank you so much for the speedy turnaround on this! Have a great evening.
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