When will Scoutbook start syncing Scouting activities? What is the point of going through the whole “Event Set-up” process in scoutbook and include how many nights camping/miles hiked, and mark attendance when you still have to manually enter in Internet Advancement? Is there any benefit at this point to document in both systems if they are not syncing?
Where are you entering nights camped/miles hiked in the Scoutbook events? I don’t see that when I create an event in Scoutbook. That only appears for me in the activity logs (hosted in IA2, but reachable from Scoutbook). The only thing from the logs that is used right now in Scoutbook is . When the logs were entered in Scoutbook (before the move to IA2), those logs didn’t synch to/from the calendar events, either.
I’m not clear on what you’re looking to have happen, since I’m not sure what you mean by “…the whole ‘Event Set-up’ process in scoutbook…” in relation to entering nights and miles.
Are there two different sets of data involved with this issue?
Advancement - My understanding is that Scoutbook and Internet Advancement use the same database.
The calendar in Scoutbook is separate. There are also many different calendar products being used by different users in the Scouting movement.
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