I have a Scout on the roster in my.scouting that does not appear in Scoutbook. My connection to him has been removed as well. I have tried transferring him back in and that failed. I have also tried updating my membership and that failed. I am a key 3 and troop admin. None of the other Key 3 can see him either. His id is 137211005. How can I fix this?
@BradGable1 bad day to tell you as office is closed - this scout has another MID in your council - 126678284 - the MID you have has No Scoutbook User - MIDs can be merged or moved around - best to find out how council wants to handle it.
Thanks for the reply. So I need to contact our council office providing both IDs and ask them to merge them together into the one that is rostered to the unit?
Pretty much. But they may have reasons to keep the other one.
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