Hi- at rechartering our key 3 submitted an application for a new scout who had been in another troop but not a transfer (parents were unsure of his status). Once the app went through Scoutbook shows this scout as a member of our troop AND his overseas troop. Can/should I just end his membership in the old troop and continue with ours? His advancement only shows a merit badge although I think his actual paper book shows some advancement and we can add that. Also wondering is his BSA number would/should change with new council.
BSA # will be different - you can put an end date on other membership in Scoutbook and it will cause no harm. Does the profile show the old or new BSA #?
Profile shows old BSA number as far as we know.
have a key 3 go to my.scouting.org and look at member manager to find the BSA # for you unit
Thanks. He’s not on our roster in my.scouting.org. COR has asked council/DE to transfer him to new troop there. I really don’t know how he showed up in our Scoutbook roster.
Parents might have done it
Yeah, but the parents haven’t activated their account. He showed up after recharter was turned in but is not in my.scouting.org. We’ll see if council/DE can do anything. Thanks for your help.
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