Scout in Scoutbook Plus Roster but not in Scoutbook

(I am both the Den Leader and have full access for our Pack to manage Scoutbook)
For Scout Member ID: 140321773
He is our first renewal that was done direct by the scout with BSA.

He is listed in Scoutbook Plus and it shows the Den has 10 scouts:

He is not listed in Scoutbook. The Den only has 9 scouts (in pic) and he’s not listed in the Pack Roster (in another Den or as unassigned).

When I click on the scout in Scoutbook Plus, I get an error.

Can’t seem to find this issue occurring out of the blue on the forum as of yet.

@RyanMoore7 - is that scout on the roster in The interesting thing is the profile grab… look at it again… the name shows as undefined


I have requested a position sync to bring the Scout back into Scoutbook. You will need to move him into his den once his membership is restored. Check after 4:00 PM Central today.

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